【分享】 E203乘法模块注解

发表于 开源蜂鸟E203 2023-05-31 23:42:18

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// Designer : Bob Hu
// Description:
// This module to implement the 17cycles MUL and 33 cycles DIV unit, which is mostly
// share the datapath with ALU_DPATH module to save gatecount to mininum
// ====================================================================
`include “e203_defines.v”

`ifdef E203_SUPPORT_MULDIV //{
module e203_exu_alu_muldiv(
input mdv_nob2b,

// The Issue Handshake Interface to MULDIV
input muldiv_i_valid, // Handshake valid
output muldiv_i_ready, // Handshake ready

input [E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_i_rs1, input [E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_i_rs2,
input [E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_i_imm, input [E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_i_info,
input [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_i_itag,

output muldiv_i_longpipe,

input flush_pulse,

// The MULDIV Write-Back/Commit Interface
output muldiv_o_valid, // Handshake valid
input muldiv_o_ready, // Handshake ready
output [`E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_o_wbck_wdat,
output muldiv_o_wbck_err,
// There is no exception cases for MULDIV, so no addtional cmt signals

// To share the ALU datapath, generate interface to ALU
// The operands and info to ALU
output [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_req_alu_op1, output [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_req_alu_op2,
output [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_req_alu_op3, output muldiv_req_alu_add, output muldiv_req_alu_sub, output mul_exu_alu_addsub, input [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_req_alu_res,

 // The Shared-Buffer interface to ALU-Shared-Buffer

output muldiv_sbf_0_ena,
output [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_0_nxt,
input [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_0_r,

output muldiv_sbf_1_ena,
output [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_1_nxt,
input [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_1_r,

output i_op_mul,
output mul_op1_sub,
output mul_op2_sub,
input clk,
input rst_n

wire muldiv_i_hsked = muldiv_i_valid & muldiv_i_ready;
wire muldiv_o_hsked = muldiv_o_valid & muldiv_o_ready;

wire flushed_r;
wire flushed_set = flush_pulse;
wire flushed_clr = muldiv_o_hsked & (~flush_pulse);
wire flushed_ena = flushed_set | flushed_clr;
wire flushed_nxt = flushed_set | (~flushed_clr);
sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) flushed_dfflr (flushed_ena, flushed_nxt, flushed_r, clk, rst_n);

//从 Info Bus中取出相关信息
wire i_mul = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MUL ];// We treat this as signed X signed wire i_mulh = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MULH ];
wire i_mulhsu = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MULHSU]; wire i_mulhu = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MULHU ];
wire i_div = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_DIV ]; wire i_divu = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_DIVU ];
wire i_rem = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_REM ]; wire i_remu = muldiv_i_info[E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_REMU ];
// If it is flushed then it is not back2back real case
wire i_b2b = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_B2B ] & (~flushed_r) & (~mdv_nob2b);

wire back2back_seq = i_b2b;

wire mul_rs1_sign = (i_mulhu) ? 1’b0 : muldiv_i_rs1[E203_XLEN-1]; wire mul_rs2_sign = (i_mulhsu | i_mulhu) ? 1'b0 : muldiv_i_rs2[E203_XLEN-1];

wire [32:0] mul_op1 = {mul_rs1_sign, muldiv_i_rs1};
wire [32:0] mul_op2 = {mul_rs2_sign, muldiv_i_rs2};
assign i_op_mul = i_mul | i_mulh | i_mulhsu | i_mulhu;
wire i_op_div = i_div | i_divu | i_rem | i_remu;

// Implement the state machine for
// (1) The MUL instructions
// (2) The DIV instructions
localparam MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH = 3;

wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_state_nxt;
wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_state_r;
wire muldiv_state_ena;

// State 0: The 0th state, means this is the 1 cycle see the operand inputs
localparam MULDIV_STATE_0TH = 3’d0;
// State 1: Executing the instructions
localparam MULDIV_STATE_EXEC = 3’d1;
// State 2: Div check if need correction
localparam MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CHCK = 3’d2;
// State 3: Quotient correction
localparam MULDIV_STATE_QUOT_CORR = 3’d3;
// State 4: Reminder correction
localparam MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CORR = 3’d4;

wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_0th_nxt;
wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_exec_nxt;
wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_remd_chck_nxt;
wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_quot_corr_nxt;
wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_remd_corr_nxt;
wire state_0th_exit_ena;
wire state_exec_exit_ena;
wire state_remd_chck_exit_ena;
wire state_quot_corr_exit_ena;
wire state_remd_corr_exit_ena;

wire special_cases;
wire muldiv_i_valid_nb2b = muldiv_i_valid & (~back2back_seq) & (~special_cases);

// Define some common signals and reused later to save gatecounts
wire muldiv_sta_is_0th = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_0TH );
wire muldiv_sta_is_exec = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_EXEC );
wire muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CHCK );
wire muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_QUOT_CORR );
wire muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CORR );

  // **** If the current state is 0th,
      // If a new instruction come (non back2back), next state is MULDIV_STATE_EXEC

assign state_0th_exit_ena = muldiv_sta_is_0th & muldiv_i_valid_nb2b & (~flush_pulse);
assign state_0th_nxt = MULDIV_STATE_EXEC;

  // **** If the current state is exec,

wire div_need_corrct;
wire mul_exec_last_cycle;
wire div_exec_last_cycle;
wire exec_last_cycle;
assign state_exec_exit_ena = muldiv_sta_is_exec & ((
// If it is the last cycle (16th or 32rd cycles),
// If it is div op, then jump to DIV_CHECK state
& (i_op_div ? 1’b1
// If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th
: muldiv_o_hsked))
| flush_pulse);
assign state_exec_nxt =
flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH :
// If it is div op, then jump to DIV_CHECK state
// If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th

  // **** If the current state is REMD_CHCK,
      // If it is div-need-correction, then jump to QUOT_CORR state
      //   otherwise jump to the 0th

assign state_remd_chck_exit_ena = (muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck & (
// If it is div op, then jump to DIV_CHECK state
(div_need_corrct ? 1’b1
// If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th
: muldiv_o_hsked)
| flush_pulse )) ;
assign state_remd_chck_nxt = flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH :
// If it is div-need-correction, then jump to QUOT_CORR state
div_need_corrct ? MULDIV_STATE_QUOT_CORR
// If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th

  // **** If the current state is QUOT_CORR,
      // Always jump to REMD_CORR state

assign state_quot_corr_exit_ena = (muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr & (flush_pulse | 1’b1));
assign state_quot_corr_nxt = flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH : MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CORR;

  // **** If the current state is REMD_CORR,
          // Then jump to 0th 

assign state_remd_corr_exit_ena = (muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr & (flush_pulse | muldiv_o_hsked));
assign state_remd_corr_nxt = flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH : MULDIV_STATE_0TH;

// The state will only toggle when each state is meeting the condition to exit
assign muldiv_state_ena = state_0th_exit_ena
| state_exec_exit_ena
| state_remd_chck_exit_ena
| state_quot_corr_exit_ena
| state_remd_corr_exit_ena;

// The next-state is onehot mux to select different entries
assign muldiv_state_nxt =
({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_0th_exit_ena }} & state_0th_nxt )
| ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_exec_exit_ena }} & state_exec_nxt )
| ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_remd_chck_exit_ena}} & state_remd_chck_nxt)
| ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_quot_corr_exit_ena}} & state_quot_corr_nxt)
| ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_remd_corr_exit_ena}} & state_remd_corr_nxt)

sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH) muldiv_state_dfflr (muldiv_state_ena, muldiv_state_nxt, muldiv_state_r, clk, rst_n);

wire state_exec_enter_ena = muldiv_state_ena & (muldiv_state_nxt == MULDIV_STATE_EXEC);

localparam EXEC_CNT_W = 6;
localparam EXEC_CNT_1 = 6’d1 ;
localparam EXEC_CNT_16 = 6’d8; //指示乘法需要总共9个迭代时钟周期
localparam EXEC_CNT_32 = 6’d32; //指示除法需要总共33个迭代时钟周期

wire[EXEC_CNT_W-1:0] exec_cnt_r;
wire exec_cnt_set = state_exec_enter_ena;
wire exec_cnt_inc = muldiv_sta_is_exec & (~exec_last_cycle);
wire exec_cnt_ena = exec_cnt_inc | exec_cnt_set;
// When set, the counter is set to 1, because the 0th state also counted as 0th cycle
wire[EXEC_CNT_W-1:0] exec_cnt_nxt = exec_cnt_set ? EXEC_CNT_1 : (exec_cnt_r + 1’b1);
sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(EXEC_CNT_W) exec_cnt_dfflr (exec_cnt_ena, exec_cnt_nxt, exec_cnt_r, clk, rst_n);

// The exec state is the last cycle when the exec_cnt_r is reaching the last cycle (16 or 32cycles)
wire cycle_0th = muldiv_sta_is_0th;
wire cycle_16th = (exec_cnt_r == EXEC_CNT_16);
wire cycle_32nd = (exec_cnt_r == EXEC_CNT_32);
assign mul_exec_last_cycle = cycle_16th;
assign div_exec_last_cycle = cycle_32nd;
assign exec_last_cycle = i_op_mul ? mul_exec_last_cycle : div_exec_last_cycle;

// Use booth-4 algorithm to conduct the multiplication

wire [32:0] part_prdt_hi_r;
wire [32:0] part_prdt_lo_r;
wire [32:0] part_prdt_hi_nxt;
wire [32:0] part_prdt_lo_nxt;

wire part_prdt_sft1_r;
wire [2:0] booth_code1 = cycle_0th ? {muldiv_i_rs1[1:0],1’b0} //第一个booth_code,低位补0
: cycle_16th ? {mul_rs1_sign,part_prdt_lo_r[0],part_prdt_sft1_r} //最后一个booth_code,高位为符号位扩展
: {part_prdt_lo_r[1:0],part_prdt_sft1_r};

wire [2:0] booth_code2 = cycle_0th ? {muldiv_i_rs1[3:1]} //第二个booth_code
: cycle_16th ? {mul_rs1_sign,mul_rs1_sign,mul_rs1_sign} //最后一个booth_code,高位为符号位扩展
: {part_prdt_lo_r[3:1]};
//booth_code == 3’b000 = 0
//booth_code == 3’b001 = 1
//booth_code == 3’b010 = 1
//booth_code == 3’b011 = 2
//booth_code == 3’b100 = -2
//booth_code == 3’b101 = -1
//booth_code == 3’b110 = -1
//booth_code == 3’b111 = -0
wire booth_sel_zero1 = (booth_code1 == 3’b000) | (booth_code1 == 3’b111);
wire booth_sel_two1 = (booth_code1 == 3’b011) | (booth_code1 == 3’b100);
wire booth_sel_one1 = (~booth_sel_zero1) & (~booth_sel_two1);
wire booth_sel_sub1 = booth_code1[2];

wire booth_sel_zero2 = (booth_code2 == 3’b000) | (booth_code2 == 3’b111);
wire booth_sel_two2 = (booth_code2 == 3’b011) | (booth_code2 == 3’b100);
wire booth_sel_one2 = (~booth_sel_zero2) & (~booth_sel_two2);
wire booth_sel_sub2 = booth_code2[2];
// 35 bits adder needed
wire [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] mul_exe_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res; //生成乘法每次迭代所需加法或者减法的操作数,使用and-or的编码方式产生并行选择器 wire [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] mul_exe_alu_op2 =
({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_zero1}} &E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH’b0)
| ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_one1 }} & {mul_rs2_sign,mul_rs2_sign,mul_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2}) | ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_two1 }} & {mul_rs2_sign,mul_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2,1’b0})
wire [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] mul_exe_alu_op3 = ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_zero2}} & E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH'b0) | ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_one2 }} & {mul_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2,{2{1’b0}}})
| ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_two2 }} & {muldiv_i_rs2,{3{1'b0}}}) ; wire [E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] mul_exe_alu_op1 =
cycle_0th ? `E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH’b0 : {part_prdt_hi_r[32],part_prdt_hi_r[32],part_prdt_hi_r};
assign mul_op1_sub = booth_sel_sub1;
assign mul_op2_sub = booth_sel_sub2;
wire mul_exe_alu_add = (~booth_sel_sub1) & (~booth_sel_sub2);
wire mul_exe_alu_sub = booth_sel_sub1 & booth_sel_sub2;
assign mul_exu_alu_addsub = booth_sel_sub1 ^ booth_sel_sub2;

assign part_prdt_hi_nxt = {mul_exe_alu_res[34],mul_exe_alu_res[34],mul_exe_alu_res[34:4]}; //计算结果的部分积,高33位
assign part_prdt_lo_nxt = {mul_exe_alu_res[3:0], //计算结果的部分积,低2位,拼接上次结果的高31位
(cycle_0th ? {mul_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1[31:4]} : part_prdt_lo_r[32:4])
wire part_prdt_sft1_nxt = cycle_0th ? muldiv_i_rs1[3] : part_prdt_lo_r[3];

wire mul_exe_cnt_set = exec_cnt_set & i_op_mul;
wire mul_exe_cnt_inc = exec_cnt_inc & i_op_mul;

wire part_prdt_hi_ena = mul_exe_cnt_set | mul_exe_cnt_inc | state_exec_exit_ena;
wire part_prdt_lo_ena = part_prdt_hi_ena;

sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) part_prdt_sft1_dfflr (part_prdt_lo_ena, part_prdt_sft1_nxt, part_prdt_sft1_r, clk, rst_n);

// This mul_res is not back2back case, so directly from the adder result

wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] mul_res = i_mul ? part_prdt_lo_r[32:1] : mul_exe_alu_res[31:0];

// The Divider Implementation, using the non-restoring signed division
wire [32:0] part_remd_r;
wire [32:0] part_quot_r;

wire div_rs1_sign = (i_divu | i_remu) ? 1’b0 : muldiv_i_rs1[E203_XLEN-1]; wire div_rs2_sign = (i_divu | i_remu) ? 1'b0 : muldiv_i_rs2[E203_XLEN-1];

wire [65:0] dividend = {{33{div_rs1_sign}}, div_rs1_sign, muldiv_i_rs1};
wire [33:0] divisor = {div_rs2_sign, div_rs2_sign, muldiv_i_rs2};

wire quot_0cycl = (dividend[65] ^ divisor[33]) ? 1’b0 : 1’b1;// If the sign(s0)!=sign(d), then set q_1st = -1

wire [66:0] dividend_lsft1 = {dividend[65:0],quot_0cycl};

wire prev_quot = cycle_0th ? quot_0cycl : part_quot_r[0];

wire part_remd_sft1_r;
// 34 bits adder needed
wire [33:0] div_exe_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0];
wire [33:0] div_exe_alu_op1 = cycle_0th ? dividend_lsft1[66:33] : {part_remd_sft1_r, part_remd_r[32:0]};
wire [33:0] div_exe_alu_op2 = divisor;
wire div_exe_alu_add = (~prev_quot);
wire div_exe_alu_sub = prev_quot ;

wire current_quot = (div_exe_alu_res[33] ^ divisor[33]) ? 1’b0 : 1’b1;

wire [66:0] div_exe_part_remd;
assign div_exe_part_remd[66:33] = div_exe_alu_res;
assign div_exe_part_remd[32: 0] = cycle_0th ? dividend_lsft1[32:0] : part_quot_r[32:0];

wire [67:0] div_exe_part_remd_lsft1 = {div_exe_part_remd[66:0],current_quot};

wire part_remd_ena;
// Since the part_remd_r is only save 33bits (after left shifted), so the adder result MSB bit we need to save
// it here, which will be used at next round
sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) part_remd_sft1_dfflr (part_remd_ena, div_exe_alu_res[32], part_remd_sft1_r, clk, rst_n);

wire div_exe_cnt_set = exec_cnt_set & i_op_div;
wire div_exe_cnt_inc = exec_cnt_inc & i_op_div;

wire corrct_phase = muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr | muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr;
wire check_phase = muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck;

wire [33:0] div_quot_corr_alu_res;
wire [33:0] div_remd_corr_alu_res;
// Note: in last cycle, the reminder value is the non-shifted value
// but the quotient value is the shifted value, and last bit of quotient value is shifted always by 1
// If need corrective, the correct quot first, and then reminder, so reminder output as comb logic directly to
// save a cycle
wire [32:0] div_remd = check_phase ? part_remd_r [32:0]:
corrct_phase ? div_remd_corr_alu_res[32:0] :
wire [32:0] div_quot = check_phase ? part_quot_r [32:0]:
corrct_phase ? part_quot_r [32:0]:

// The partial reminder and quotient
wire [32:0] part_remd_nxt = corrct_phase ? div_remd_corr_alu_res[32:0] :
(muldiv_sta_is_exec & div_exec_last_cycle) ? div_remd :
wire [32:0] part_quot_nxt = corrct_phase ? div_quot_corr_alu_res[32:0] :
(muldiv_sta_is_exec & div_exec_last_cycle) ? div_quot :
div_exe_part_remd_lsft1[32: 0];

wire [33:0] div_remd_chck_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0];
wire [33:0] div_remd_chck_alu_op1 = {part_remd_r[32], part_remd_r};
wire [33:0] div_remd_chck_alu_op2 = divisor;
wire div_remd_chck_alu_add = 1’b1;
wire div_remd_chck_alu_sub = 1’b0;

wire remd_is_0 = ~(|part_remd_r);
wire remd_is_neg_divs = ~(|div_remd_chck_alu_res);
wire remd_is_divs = (part_remd_r == divisor[32:0]);
assign div_need_corrct = i_op_div & (
((part_remd_r[32] ^ dividend[65]) & (~remd_is_0))
| remd_is_neg_divs
| remd_is_divs

wire remd_inc_quot_dec = (part_remd_r[32] ^ divisor[33]);

assign div_quot_corr_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0];
wire [33:0] div_quot_corr_alu_op1 = {part_quot_r[32], part_quot_r};
wire [33:0] div_quot_corr_alu_op2 = 34’b1;
wire div_quot_corr_alu_add = (~remd_inc_quot_dec);
wire div_quot_corr_alu_sub = remd_inc_quot_dec;

assign div_remd_corr_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0];
wire [33:0] div_remd_corr_alu_op1 = {part_remd_r[32], part_remd_r};
wire [33:0] div_remd_corr_alu_op2 = divisor;
wire div_remd_corr_alu_add = remd_inc_quot_dec;
wire div_remd_corr_alu_sub = ~remd_inc_quot_dec;

// The partial reminder register will be loaded in the exe state, and in reminder correction cycle
assign part_remd_ena = div_exe_cnt_set | div_exe_cnt_inc | state_exec_exit_ena | state_remd_corr_exit_ena;
// The partial quotient register will be loaded in the exe state, and in quotient correction cycle
wire part_quot_ena = div_exe_cnt_set | div_exe_cnt_inc | state_exec_exit_ena | state_quot_corr_exit_ena;

wire[E203_XLEN-1:0] div_res = (i_div | i_divu) ? div_quot[E203_XLEN-1:0] : div_remd[`E203_XLEN-1:0];

wire div_by_0 = ~(|muldiv_i_rs2);// Divisor is all zeros
wire div_ovf = (i_div | i_rem) & (&muldiv_i_rs2) // Divisor is all ones, means -1
//Dividend is 10000…000, means -(2^xlen -1)
& muldiv_i_rs1[E203_XLEN-1] & (~(|muldiv_i_rs1[E203_XLEN-2:0]));

wire[E203_XLEN-1:0] div_by_0_res_quot = ~E203_XLEN’b0;
wire[E203_XLEN-1:0] div_by_0_res_remd = dividend[E203_XLEN-1:0];
wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_by_0_res = (i_div | i_divu) ? div_by_0_res_quot : div_by_0_res_remd;

wire[E203_XLEN-1:0] div_ovf_res_quot = {1'b1,{E203_XLEN-1{1’b0}}};
wire[E203_XLEN-1:0] div_ovf_res_remd =E203_XLEN’b0;
wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_ovf_res = (i_div | i_divu) ? div_ovf_res_quot : div_ovf_res_remd;

wire div_special_cases = i_op_div & (div_by_0 | div_ovf);
wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_special_res = div_by_0 ? div_by_0_res : div_ovf_res;

// Output generateion
assign special_cases = div_special_cases;// Only divider have special cases
wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] special_res = div_special_res;// Only divider have special cases

// To detect the sequence of MULH[[S]U] rdh, rs1, rs2; MUL rdl, rs1, rs2
// To detect the sequence of DIV[U] rdq, rs1, rs2; REM[U] rdr, rs1, rs2
wire [E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_mul_res = {part_prdt_lo_r[E203_XLEN-2:0],part_prdt_sft1_r};// Only the MUL will be treated as back2back
wire [E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_mul_rem = part_remd_r[E203_XLEN-1:0];
wire [E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_mul_div = part_quot_r[E203_XLEN-1:0];
wire [E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_res = ( ({E203_XLEN{i_mul }} & back2back_mul_res)
| ({E203_XLEN{i_rem | i_remu}} & back2back_mul_rem) | ({E203_XLEN{i_div | i_divu}} & back2back_mul_div)

// The output will be valid:
//   * If it is back2back and sepcial cases, just directly pass out from input
//   * If it is not back2back sequence when it is the last cycle of exec state 
//     (not div need correction) or last correct state;

wire wbck_condi = (back2back_seq | special_cases) ? 1’b1 :
(muldiv_sta_is_exec & exec_last_cycle & (~i_op_div))
| (muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck & (~div_need_corrct))
| muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr
assign muldiv_o_valid = wbck_condi & muldiv_i_valid;
assign muldiv_i_ready = wbck_condi & muldiv_o_ready;
wire res_sel_spl = special_cases;
wire res_sel_b2b = back2back_seq & (~special_cases);
wire res_sel_div = (~back2back_seq) & (~special_cases) & i_op_div;
wire res_sel_mul = (~back2back_seq) & (~special_cases) & i_op_mul;
assign muldiv_o_wbck_wdat =
({E203_XLEN{res_sel_b2b}} & back2back_res) | ({E203_XLEN{res_sel_spl}} & special_res)
| ({E203_XLEN{res_sel_div}} & div_res) | ({E203_XLEN{res_sel_mul}} & mul_res);

// There is no exception cases for MULDIV, so no addtional cmt signals
assign muldiv_o_wbck_err = 1’b0;

 // The operands and info to ALU

wire req_alu_sel1 = i_op_mul;
wire req_alu_sel2 = i_op_div & (muldiv_sta_is_0th | muldiv_sta_is_exec);
wire req_alu_sel3 = i_op_div & muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr;
wire req_alu_sel4 = i_op_div & muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr;
wire req_alu_sel5 = i_op_div & muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck;

assign muldiv_req_alu_op1 =
({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel1}} & mul_exe_alu_op1 ) | ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel2}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_exe_alu_op1 }) | ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel3}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_quot_corr_alu_op1}) | ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel4}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_remd_corr_alu_op1}) | ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel5}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_remd_chck_alu_op1}); //操作数2 assign muldiv_req_alu_op2 = ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel1}} & mul_exe_alu_op2 )
| ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel2}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1’b0}},div_exe_alu_op2 })
| ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel3}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1’b0}},div_quot_corr_alu_op2})
| ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel4}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1’b0}},div_remd_corr_alu_op2})
| ({E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel5}} & {{E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1’b0}},div_remd_chck_alu_op2});
assign muldiv_req_alu_op3 = {`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel1}} & mul_exe_alu_op3;
assign muldiv_req_alu_add =
(req_alu_sel1 & mul_exe_alu_add )
| (req_alu_sel2 & div_exe_alu_add )
| (req_alu_sel3 & div_quot_corr_alu_add)
| (req_alu_sel4 & div_remd_corr_alu_add)
| (req_alu_sel5 & div_remd_chck_alu_add);
assign muldiv_req_alu_sub =
(req_alu_sel1 & mul_exe_alu_sub )
| (req_alu_sel2 & div_exe_alu_sub )
| (req_alu_sel3 & div_quot_corr_alu_sub)
| (req_alu_sel4 & div_remd_corr_alu_sub)
| (req_alu_sel5 & div_remd_chck_alu_sub);

assign muldiv_sbf_0_ena = part_remd_ena | part_prdt_hi_ena;
assign muldiv_sbf_0_nxt = i_op_mul ? part_prdt_hi_nxt : part_remd_nxt;

assign muldiv_sbf_1_ena = part_quot_ena | part_prdt_lo_ena;
assign muldiv_sbf_1_nxt = i_op_mul ? part_prdt_lo_nxt : part_quot_nxt;

assign part_remd_r = muldiv_sbf_0_r;
assign part_quot_r = muldiv_sbf_1_r;
assign part_prdt_hi_r = muldiv_sbf_0_r;
assign part_prdt_lo_r = muldiv_sbf_1_r;

assign muldiv_i_longpipe = 1’b0;

//synopsys translate_off
// These below code are used for reference check with assertion
wire [31:0] golden0_mul_op1 = mul_op1[32] ? (~mul_op1[31:0]+1) : mul_op1[31:0];
wire [31:0] golden0_mul_op2 = mul_op2[32] ? (~mul_op2[31:0]+1) : mul_op2[31:0];
wire [63:0] golden0_mul_res_pre = golden0_mul_op1 golden0_mul_op2;
wire [63:0] golden0_mul_res = (mul_op1[32]^mul_op2[32]) ? (~golden0_mul_res_pre + 1) : golden0_mul_res_pre;
wire [63:0] golden1_mul_res = $signed(mul_op1)

// To check the signed * operation is really get what we wanted
assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | (~muldiv_o_valid)) ((golden0_mul_res == golden1_mul_res)))
else $fatal (“\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n”);

wire [31:0] golden1_res_mul = golden1_mul_res[31:0];
wire [31:0] golden1_res_mulh = golden1_mul_res[63:32];
wire [31:0] golden1_res_mulhsu = golden1_mul_res[63:32];
wire [31:0] golden1_res_mulhu = golden1_mul_res[63:32];

wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_SxS = $signed(muldiv_i_rs1) $signed(muldiv_i_rs2);
wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_SxU = $signed(muldiv_i_rs1)
wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_UxS = $unsigned(muldiv_i_rs1) $signed(muldiv_i_rs2);
wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_UxU = $unsigned(muldiv_i_rs1)

wire [31:0] golden2_res_mul = golden2_res_mul_SxS[31:0];
wire [31:0] golden2_res_mulh = golden2_res_mul_SxS[63:32];
wire [31:0] golden2_res_mulhsu = golden2_res_mul_SxU[63:32];
wire [31:0] golden2_res_mulhu = golden2_res_mul_UxU[63:32];

// To check four different combination will all generate same lower 32bits result
assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | (~muldiv_o_valid))
(golden2_res_mul_SxS[31:0] == golden2_res_mul_SxU[31:0])
& (golden2_res_mul_UxS[31:0] == golden2_res_mul_UxU[31:0])
& (golden2_res_mul_SxU[31:0] == golden2_res_mul_UxS[31:0])
else $fatal (“\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n”);

  // Seems the golden2 result is not correct in case of mulhsu, so have to comment it out

// // To check golden1 and golden2 result are same
// assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | (~muldiv_o_valid))
// (i_mul ? (golden1_res_mul == golden2_res_mul ) : 1’b1)
// &(i_mulh ? (golden1_res_mulh == golden2_res_mulh ) : 1’b1)
// &(i_mulhsu ? (golden1_res_mulhsu == golden2_res_mulhsu) : 1’b1)
// &(i_mulhu ? (golden1_res_mulhu == golden2_res_mulhu ) : 1’b1)
// )
// else $fatal (“\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n”);

 // The special case will need to be handled specially

wire [32:0] golden_res_div = div_special_cases ? div_special_res :
( $signed({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) / ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $signed({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2})));
wire [32:0] golden_res_divu = div_special_cases ? div_special_res :
($unsigned({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) / ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $unsigned({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2})));
wire [32:0] golden_res_rem = div_special_cases ? div_special_res :
( $signed({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) % ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $signed({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2})));
wire [32:0] golden_res_remu = div_special_cases ? div_special_res :
($unsigned({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) % ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $unsigned({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2})));

// To check golden and actual result are same
wire [E203_XLEN-1:0] golden_res = i_mul ? golden1_res_mul : i_mulh ? golden1_res_mulh : i_mulhsu ? golden1_res_mulhsu : i_mulhu ? golden1_res_mulhu : i_div ? golden_res_div [31:0] : i_divu ? golden_res_divu[31:0] : i_rem ? golden_res_rem [31:0] : i_remu ? golden_res_remu[31:0] :E203_XLEN’b0;

// Since the printed value is not aligned with posedge clock, so change it to negetive
assert property (@(negedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | flush_pulse)
(muldiv_o_valid ? (golden_res == muldiv_o_wbck_wdat ) : 1’b1)
else begin
$fatal (“\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n”);

//synopsys translate_on



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