HighTec C/C++编译器套件全面支持芯来RISC-V IP

分享于 2024-12-20 11:39:56
德国萨尔布吕肯,2024年12月5日——世界领先的汽车C/C++编译器解决方案提供商HighTec EDV Systeme GmbH宣布全面支持芯来科技的RISC-V IP。HighTec编译器是基于LLVM开源汽车级C/C++编译器工具,已通过ISO 26262 ASIL D的安全认证。从事RISC-V架构开发的汽车软件开发者受益于这些工具来无缝支持芯来经过功能安全认证的RISC-V内核,进而为那些有着高性能和高安全要求、要求最为严苛的汽车应用生成紧凑且高度可靠的代码。

Saarbruecken/Germany, 5th December , 2024 – HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH, a leading provider of automotive C/C++ compiler solutions, adds support for Nuclei System Technology’s RISC-V CPU IP. HighTec's automotive-grade LLVM open-source-based C/C++ compiler tools are safety-qualified according to ISO 26262 up to ASIL D. Automotive software developers working on RISC-V architectures benefit from these tools seamlessly supporting Nuclei’s functional safety-certified RISC-V cores. Resulting in a compact and highly reliable code for the most demanding automotive applications with high performance and safety requirements.

芯来在过去两年中获得了NA300和NA900的两项Exida ASIL-D产品认证,这证实了芯来汽车级产品的高安全性和可靠性,并认可了芯来在开发IP方面的强大能力。这不仅对芯来,而且对汽车电子领域的整个RISC-V生态系统都具有重要意义:凭借这一认证,芯来成为世界上第一家获得ASIL-D产品认证的RISC-V IP供应商。芯来旨在提高国内外客户使用RISC-V制造汽车芯片的信心。

Nuclei has received two Exida ASIL-D product certifications for NA300 and NA900 in the last two years, which confirm the high security and reliability of Nuclei's automotive-grade products and recognize Nuclei's strong capabilities in developing CPU IP. This is significant not only for Nuclei, but also for the entire RISC-V ecosystem in the field of automotive electronics: With this certification, Nuclei is the first RISC-V CPU IP vendor in the world to achieve ASIL-D product certification. Nuclei aims to increase the confidenc

HighTec C/C++汽车编译器可以满足所有技术要求,以充分利用芯来RISC-V内核的强大性能和独特安全功能。该编译器基于LLVM(Low Level Virtual Machine)开源技术,以其构建时间短的特点和先进的代码优化功能而闻名于业界。HighTec经过功能安全认证的C/C++编译器还能通过一个鉴定工具包加快功能安全汽车应用程序的开发和认证。

The HighTec C/C++ automotive compiler is designed to meet all the technical requirements to take full advantage of the powerful performance and unique safety features of Nuclei's RISC-V cores. The compiler is based on the modern LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) open-source technology and is known across the industry for its fast build times and its advanced code optimizations. HighTec's functional safety certified C/C++ compiler comes with a qualification toolkit, which speeds up the development and certification of functional safety automotive applications.


芯来科技的RISC-V IP符合最高的行业质量控制标准。为了提升用户体验并优化客户SoC设计中的编译解决方案,我们需要高质量的汽车编译器工具,如HighTec,来支持我们的下游客户的开发工作。HighTec编译器将为我们的汽车客户提供更可靠的解决方案。
Nuclei System Technology's RISC-V CPU IP adheres to the highest industry quality control standards. To enhance the user experience and optimize debugging solutions in our customers’ SoC designs, we need high-quality automotive compiler tools like from HighTec to support our downstream customers in their development work. The availability of the HighTec compiler will provide our automotive customers with more reliable solutions.

HighTec首席技术官Mario Cupelli说::

我们很高兴能作为值得信赖的合作伙伴进入芯来的生态系统,HighTec也将倾力支持芯来RISC-V IP未来的发展,让汽车客户借助HighTec的汽车级C/C++编译器解决方案专注于快速推动稳健、安全的RISC-V汽车应用的开发和上市。
We are excited to enter Nuclei’s ecosystem as a trusted partner, and HighTec is fully committed to support future developments of Nuclei’s RISC-V IP as well,” said Mario Cupelli, CTO at HighTec. “Automotive customers can focus on their fast development and market launch of robust, safety-critical RISC-V automotive applications and thereby rely on HighTec’s automotive-grade C/C++ compiler solution.
关于 HighTec

HighTec总部位于德国萨尔布吕肯,是全球最大的使用创新开源技术的商业编译器供应商,提供经过ISO 26262 ASIL D认证的嵌入式软件开发工具、实时操作系统PXROS-HR以及广泛的软件设计服务。

HighTec经过ASIL D认证的C/C++ 编译器适用于汽车和工业领域领先的多核心微控制器,如Arm®、TriCore™/ AURIX™/ TRAVEO™系列、RISC-V、Power Architecture(PowerPC) 和GTM架构,并在与芯片合作伙伴密切合作中不断被调整和优化以支持各种新架构。

除了多架构编译器之外,HighTec还提供PXROS-HR实时操作系统,这是一种经过安全认证的多核 RTOS,适用于具有安全性和多核要求的应用。PXROS-HR保证了实时环境中的稳健性、安全性、高性能和数据安全。PXROS-HR通过了ISO 26262 ASIL D/IEC 61508 SIL 3认证,并以工具鉴定套件为辅助客户应用认证的基础,用于ASIL D开发。HighTec还提供软件开发、培训和咨询服务作为公司产品组合的补充。

HighTec成立于1982年,是一家私营的全球性公司,在德国、捷克共和国、荷兰、匈牙利和中国均设有办事处。有关HighTec的更多信息,请访问 www.hightec-rt.com
芯来科技成立于2018年,一直专注于RISC-V CPU IP及相应平台方案的研发,是本土RISC-V领域的代表性企业。

芯来科技从零开始,坚持自研,打造了N/U、NX/UX四大通用CPU IP产品线和NS、NA、NI三个专用CPU IP产品线。其中:

* N/U(支持SV32 MMU)是32位架构,主要用于边缘计算、低功耗和IoT场景;
* NX/UX(支持SV39和SV48 MMU)是64位架构,主要用于数据中心、网络安全、存储等高性能应用场景;
* NS(Security)面向支付等高安全场景;
* NA(Automotive)面向功能安全汽车电子场景;
* NI(Intelligence)面向AI等高性能计算场景。
目前已有超过250家国内外正式授权客户使用了芯来科技的RISC-V CPU IP,遍及AI、汽车电子、5G通信、网络安全、存储、工业控制、MCU、IoT等多个领域。

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